Start YourExchanging PlatformNow
Start your own exchanging platform today with our user-friendly solution. Take control of your financial future and begin growing your business now!

Our Pricing Plan
Find the Perfect Fit for Your Business Needs
StarterThis plan is great for getting started.
329.99 $ / Monthly6%
Billed annually- Your logo and business name
- Up to 300 orders per month
- Up to 150 users
- 1 support agent and 1 admin
- Accepts payments in 2 currencies
- 5 Payment options / Allows 2 Automations
StandardThis plan is a perfect upgrade to your business.
699.99 $ / Monthly7%
Billed annually- Your logo and business name
- Up to 2000 orders per month
- Up to 1000 users
- 2 Support Agents and 1 Admin
- Accepts payments in 5 currencies
- 10 Payment options / Allows 2 Automations
- Includes initial technical set-up
PremiumThis plan is designed for large business.
1199.99 $ / Monthly8%
Billed annually- Your logo and business name
- Up to 5000 orders per month
- Up to 2500 users
- 5 support agents and 2 admins
- Accepts payments in 15 currencies
- 30 Payment options / Allows 2 Automations
- Includes initial technical set-up
Enterprise Plan
More features and programs are available in Krypto Swap Enterprise plan, customized and created to meet high needs and business workflow.
Easy to Use
Take a look inside to see how easy it is to use our platform.